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Neapolitan Strawberry Vanilla Milkshake

Prep Time:

15 mins



16 oz


About the Recipe

You can taste three flavors in one cup. Fun and cute to enjoy!


Strawberry Syrup - 1 oz
Chocolate Powder - 20 g
Vanilla Powder- 30 g
Fructose - 1 oz

Hot Water - 110 ml
Creamer - 20 g
Smoothie Stabilizer - 10 g
Ice Cube - 325 g
Whipping Cream - a little
Chocolate Chips - a little


  1. Firstly, make three flavors smoothie separately.
    (1) Add 20 g of chocolate powder, 5 g of smoothie stabilizer, 10 g of creamer, 40 g hot water and 120 g of ice cubes blend together till smooth.
    (2) Add 30 g of vanilla powder, 5 g of smoothie stabilizer, 10 g of creamer, 40 g hot water and 120 g of ice cubes blend together till smooth.
    (3) Add 1 oz of strawberry syrup, 5 g of smoothie stabilizer, 30 g hot water and 85 g of ice cubes blend together till smooth.

  2. Add each flavor smoothie to the serving cup layer by layer.

  3. You can place some sliced strawberry on the cup wall before you pour vanilla smoothie.

  4. Top with chocolate for garnish. Enjoy!




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